More Success

"More" is what my life is all about right now.  How much more can I give? 

There are theories out there about procrastination.  The one that I prescribe to is that procrastination is when a person's best work comes out.  There is a deadline, and a task that needs to be accomplished, time to go to work.  Without a deadline to run towards, and a difficult task that pushes you, why try?  Of course, always motivate yourself to do your best every day, but without anything challenging you, it is SO easy to slack. 

My high school track coach absolutely hated when I jumped to the height (I was a high jumper) and not to my potential.  It didn't matter if it was 5'8" or 6'4", I was gonna jump it, and just barely clear it.  He'd ask me, or more or less yelling at me "destroy that dang height" if I missed a jump at 5'8".  Where was the challenge in that?  It was mundane, boring, not worth my time.

LIGHT BULB.  As I am writing this, there is a lot of self-realization going on.  I have a lot to give this world, and won't know what that is until I'm pushed to give it.... to give more.... then some more.  I'm writing this and just getting jealous at all you people out there that can motivate to your fullest potential every day without a deadline, or challenging task at hand!  How do I set my daily deadlines? Challenges that are MORE difficult than the cakewalks I'm given each day?  I need to figure it out, but lucky for me, I've got benchmarks I've got to start hitting, deadlines to run to, I'm gonna have a challenge in front of me.  I love it.  It makes me feel good inside.

The teacher always tells you not to wait until the last second to write a 10-page paper.  Well, my fiancée's best paper she ever wrote in college was started and finished at the last possible minute.  There has to be some strategy though, you have to know what you are doing, you have to be knowledgeable, skilled, physically able to accomplish this.  If I were to jump 5'8" with a carefree attitude not having ever jumped higher... I'd be foolish.  I knew I was going to clear 5'8", so I didn't worry, just as I know I'm going to complete these benchmarks and deadlines.  I'm giving more, and it feels good.

What can you do to give more?  How can you FORCE yourself to give more?  My buddy, a boxer and workout-aholic, can push himself harder and further physically, than any other person I know.  He knows how to give more.  My mom, studies harder and longer in one week for her schooling, than I did... ever.  She knows how to give more.

I was doing yoga last night with my fiancée, she was making it look easy, as with anything she does physically, and I was struggling, legs shaking, arms burning, uncomfortable as can be, but the instructor was talking about focusing on breathing, and not worrying about anything else.  Last night was the first time I have done a one-legged squat with my full body weight since my knee surgery 4/1/2008.  Last night, I gave it more.  There was no deadline, but there was a challenge I haven't faced, or have been forced to face, and it was motivation enough to give it all I got.

If you know how to give it more every day.  Consider yourself lucky, because I think there are a lot of us out here that THINK we give it our all every day, but really... we slack because we can.  If you can truly give it more than anyone else.  You are the elite.

The challenge to us that don't know how to give it our all EVERY day without a challenge at hand, or a deadline, is finding the challenge, that deadline.  Goals are easy to write down, they are even easier to tell everyone.  I watched a Hoopis or TED video (can't really remember which one) which suggested NOT telling anyone about your goals because subconsciously this makes you feel like you have already accomplished part of the goal.... without doing anything else.

I've tried it, I went 30 days without watching SportsCenter, no one knew I was doing it besides those of you that read this blog, and it felt GREAT!  Goal accomplished, and it was mine, no one else's.  It's time to give more folks.

Start given it more!
